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Ready to compare your budget in multiple cities?






Just follow the 4 steps below! 



Budget by City



List your cities in the template below (unlock multicity comparison for only $7.99)



Using your projected salary for each city, calculate your MONTHLY takehome pay for each city



List your estimated fixed (car payment, rent, etc.) and variable expenses (gas, food, etc.) for each city


Compare monthly budget in each city


Takehome Pay Calculator

Start by selecting a state, you will perform this calculation for each state that has a city of interest

Next, scroll down within the calculator window and enter the necessary inputs. 






Select monthly pay frequency. Why? most bills are paid on a monthly schedule.  Budgeting on this same schedule makes it easier to track your expenses


Hit CALCULATE, your takehome pay and payroll taxes will display. Plug these numbers into the budgeting template.

Questions about how to fill out this form?

Follow this link to takehome pay calculator!


Complete the template below to compare budgets by city

Try your first city free, get access to 12 side-by-side city comparison for 1 year for a one-time payment of only $7.99


Are you a student? Get a FREE full access account by creating an account using your .edu email address and sending an email to requesting free access!


Ready to access up to 12 side-by-side city comparisons and be able to save your inputs?  Get full access for one year for a one-time payment of only $7.99

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